Why We Do It
There is an affordable housing crisis in our community. We see how it affects families on a daily basis, and believe that we must serve as advocates.
When we look back at our work last year, we see the difference we are making in people’s lives.
- We helped 350 family members with emergency shelter in their time of desperate need
- We found permanent supportive housing for 96 formerly chronically homeless individuals and families and 92% maintained stable housing for 12 months or more
- We provided 494 individuals Rapid Rehousing services to assist persons to quickly move into housing after an episode of homelessness — 255 of these were children 18 and under
Our team of about 50-strong is trained in trauma-informed care and we are sensitive to the dire need in our community of families in emergency situations. We do our work aware of Martin Luther King’s great question, ““Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”