Who We Are

Family Promise of the Big Bend was founded in 1986, and for many years was known as the Big Bend Homeless Coalition. We are an affiliate of the national Family Promise, the leading national nonprofit addressing family homelessness, providing homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, workforce development, education, financial capability, health and wellness, and so much more.

Our mission is to end homelessness in the Big Bend through leadership, education, advocacy, and the provision of quality services. We provide:

  • Emergency shelter for families at HOPE
  • Rehousing services for veterans and persons who are homeless
  • 3 affordable housing complexes that serve veterans, formerly homeless families and persons with disabilities.

We’re open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. It’s the kind of work that takes people with kind hearts and keen abilities to deal with people in crisis.  Our board is appreciative of our team that deals with family crises with such grace and understanding. 

Based in Tallahassee, we serve the entire Big Bend community. We rely on the compassion and generosity of hundreds of donors and volunteers.

Staff Leadership

Board Leadership

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